Obedience Training


Obedience Training

Obedience training is more than teaching your dog to sit, stay, and roll over.  Unique Canine aims to train both you and your dog to work together, by teaching you how to reinforce good behaviors, and teaching your dog how to respond and maintain those good behaviors.


Our obedience training helps you and your dog do the following:


  • Teach your dog to respond to verbal commands, and physical gestures

  • Teach you how to reinforce your dogs good behavior, and maintain the training

  • Make sure your dog keeps his/her newfound knowledge long after the class


Puppy Training

It’s extremely important that your puppy learns not only obedience, but other important parts of being a well-rounded dog.  

At Unique Canine, we aim to train your puppy in the following:

  • Obedience & Commands

  • Socialization

  • How To Play Appropriately

We also believe that it is extremely important that you learn how to create a good foundation for future training with your puppy.  

Because of this, we help owners learn how to:

  • Solve Problem Behaviors

  • Communicate Well With Your Puppy

  • How To Train/Work With Your Dog For Life


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